Custom wood furniture sounds expensive when you hear of it. So, people tend to opt for other choices. Cheaper prefabricated furniture is more popular among the general community.

However, the extra money is well worth the investment. There is a multitude of reasons why custom-made trumps prefabricated furniture. Here 10 reasons why custom wood furniture should be the choice for Singaporean homes.


Infinite custom wood furniture options

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With custom wood furniture, you can have any piece you desire. The options are infinite. Anything you can think of can be made to your desire.

Upon order, your custom wood furniture gets made to your particulars. These include style, measurements, function, and material choice.  Singaporeans love options.


Enhanced Design Flexibility

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You will be 100% involved in your furniture design process. Any of your wishes and needs can get interpreted into a piece of furniture. You get more flexibility for your space this way.

You also get to choose appliances you want instead of what suits the prefabricated build. In the kitchen, a custom cabinet would let you fit any oven or stovetop.

You don’t only get to decide function and size. You also get to decide all cosmetic options including finish and color. Everything is up to you.


A Fanciful Variety of High-Quality Materials

Material catalogue

You get all say in your piece of custom wood furniture. So obviously material selection is up to you. Prefabricated furniture only comes in a few kinds of wood and finish options. With custom, the material options are wide.

Want an eco-friendly home? Go for sustainable woods like oak or beech. Want a sleeker, Scandinavian styled home? Go for a lighter wood like balsa or beech.

Your style or desired function won’t get limited to prefabricated furniture choices.


It looks amazing


Custom wood furniture has a phenomenal aesthetic quality. It looks beautiful in any home. It’s perfect for any Singaporean homeowner who has impeccable taste.

The look of a custom wood furniture piece reflects exclusivity and elegance. It also gives the impression of diligence in a homeowner to go the extra mile for a beautiful home.

Custom wood furniture always gives an effortlessly seamless look. They blend well with other pieces in a space. This seamless look is one you rarely find in prefabricated furniture.


Built to Last


Custom wood furniture pieces are handmade by skilled carpenters. This is different to prefabricated furniture that’s made on the assembly line.

There is a greater attention to detail and build in custom furniture. These skilled carpenters guarantee quality work. When they make pieces they use their extensive woodworking know how.

Compare joint strength. Custom wood furniture gets assembled by means of joints, nails or screws which are stronger. While factory pieces get assembled with glue or staples for convenience and haste.

Buying custom wood furniture will almost buy you a lifetime warranty. It gives durability that Singaporeans love.


Quality does not deteriorate


Custom wood furniture is of high quality. This quality will likely not deteriorate with time. The level of attention in custom furniture guarantees a better quality finish.

You won’t feel bumps or imperfections as the pieces get sanded and finished with such care. This level of care eliminates any roughness. This great finish protects the look as the pieces become well protected from moisture or mar.

Great protection ensures a long lifespan for these pieces. Thus custom wood furniture pieces retain quality and thus value well.


Superior and Artisinal Craftsmanship


Custom wood furniture is made with amazing craftsmanship. This craftsmanship is something that sought after by any homeowner with impeccable taste. With such great craftsmanship, the furniture guarantees high quality.

Custom furniture craftsmanship in Singapore is very competitive. The carpenters here take great pride in their work. You can’t go wrong opting for custom pieces as their reputation stands on the line. Every carpenter strives to produce the best work.

Quality custom wood furniture becomes a timeless piece in any home. So, custom pieces are an investment if properly taken care of.


Better-Fitting Furniture


Custom wood furniture pieces give you greater utilization of space. This is especially useful in Singapore, where house space is scarce. Dimensions for prefabricated furniture are fixed.

Custom wood furniture allows you to get pieces made that are suitable for your space. So, you can take full advantage of your scarce square footage. Custom pieces will fit in any unusual layout or floor plan.

Your custom furniture will also be catered to you as the homeowner. If you’re shorter and have trouble reaching cabinets, have them made to your height.


Unique style


Custom wood furniture will provide you with the freedom to express your unique style. If you have a unique style you want to recreate in your home, you might find it hard to buy furniture.

Custom wood furniture pieces eliminate this problem. All your furniture can be made to fit your desired style. Custom furniture gives you the full ability to be unique.

No longer have trouble expressing yourself. This is great for any individualistic Singaporean homeowner. Your custom wood furniture is exclusive and unlike any other piece anyone has.


Adds value to your home

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Buying custom wood furniture adds great value to your home. Any custom piece is an investment. The quality and uniqueness ensure high value. These custom design elements increase the value of your home. Value not only increases in money but also aesthetically.

Great resale value is something most Singaporean homeowners long for. This is because most will want to move to a new place in a few years. You’ll have no problem marketing your home when the time comes. Custom wood furniture is worth the investment.


Custom wood furniture may set you back a handsome sum and may require more care. But, the benefits of owning custom furniture outweigh the disadvantages.

So, start transforming your home with custom wood furniture. What are you waiting for? Gold Pines SG provides amazing satisfactory carpentry work.