4 Definitive Reasons To Choose Custom Upholstered Furniture


4 Definitive Reasons To Choose Custom Upholstered Furniture

Posted by  | Aug 5, 2019 

Many people are doubtful about the idea of buying custom-made upholstered furniture for one reason, money. However, the truth is that custom furniture is not as expensive as you may think. As a matter of fact, if you choose the right custom furniture upholstery service provider, you may get fully-customized furniture items at the price of store-bought ones. Not convinced? Then here are four reasons why you should consider opting for custom upholstered furniture over buying new ones.

Cost Effective

One of the biggest benefits of choosing custom upholstered furniture is the cost. Much of today’s furniture is mass produced, and while it’s inexpensive, it’s usually poorly made and barely offers the functionality you need. Such manufacturing processes mean you’ll be forced to replace your furniture every few years, and in the long run, you’ll spend far more on replacements than you would on re-upholstery.

Hence, selecting a cost-worthy furniture is very essential for the long term. For example, if you need an extendable sofa that can fit in your round-cornered room, then you may have a very hard time finding one in stores. However, a professional custom furniture upholstery service provider can build your sofa to your strict requirements within budget. While it may be a complex job, depending on the fabric and overall build quality, it’s sure to be worth it in the end.


A great thing about custom upholstered furniture, is that the sky is the limit as to what you can do to them. Whether you are completely building a brand new piece of furniture, or customizing the furniture you already have, anything is possible! Custom-built pieces are great if you have a specific size in mind for your sofa or chair. Most of the time, people have a piece of furniture that they love, but wish it was a little smaller, or didn’t have an arm on one side, etc… When we strip your furniture down to the bare wood frame, anything can be altered or added to your liking!

Hence, you have the chance to choose whatever fabric colour, texture, decorative trim or stain shade you desire. It can be easily adapted to fit into the rest of your design aesthetic, especially if it has drastically changed since you first bought the furniture piece. Transform the old to new, the traditional to the modern, the neutral to the brightly coloured that you’ve wanted for years with furniture reupholstery!

Environment Friendly

While many furniture pieces are often resold by the original owner, a lot of it still ends up in the landfill. Whether it’s outdated and torn up or only a few years old, some believe that it’s best to throw furniture out instead of trying to make something new out of it. If everyone chose to reupholster older furniture rather than get rid of it, or even took the piece apart and created new items, it would help to preserve the environment immensely. Furniture reupholstery doesn’t just give you an extra year or two of life either. If repaired properly, your new furniture piece can last for several more years, making the original purchase even more worthwhile.

Sentimental Value

It can be hard to let go of furniture pieces that hold a special place in your heart. Whether it was given to you by a loved one or has been passed down through the generations, it’s hard to get rid of tattered furniture that can’t be used to its fullest potential due to its state. That’s why furniture reupholstery is such a treasure, as you now have the perfect opportunity to keep this valuable furniture piece alive and well for several more years. You could have it changed up completely, with fresh fabrics and new colouring, or simply have the original materials fixed up and cleaned.

It is natural to crave new furniture when you’ve had the same ones for years. Due to ever-changing trends, it can seem like your style is stuck in the past. While replacements may seem like the only choice, you can put new life into your older items with professional furniture upholstery services so they better match your interior decor. Not only will you be able to save your furniture to last for another decade, but you’ll also own one-of-a-kind pieces.

At Goldpines Furniture, we’ve been providing customized carpentry services for our clients. Located in Woodlands Close, Singapore, we design and customize carpentry works for residential and commercial buildings. We also offer fabric and upholstery work, build custom furniture and much more. Give us a call to book a consultation today!

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