[Carpentry Kit for Beginners] What to Include + Other Tips

Posted on March 28, 2017

Carpentry can be a fun and fulfilling activity. And if you become good enough it can be a really useful skill to have. But just like any other thing you’re going to have to start small and that’s where this article comes in.

In addition to the tools that should be included in a carpentry kit for beginners, we’ll also be discussing tips and tricks that get you on track without blowing your wallet unnecessarily.

Here’s what a generic carpentry kit for beginners should include:

  • Claw Hammer
  • Tenon Saw
  • Handsaw
  • Adjustable Bevel
  • Wooden Mallet
  • Marking Gauge
  • Wood Chisel Set
  • Carpenters Pencil Set
  • Screwdriver Set
  • Pocket Tool Bag
  • Heavy Duty Combination Square
  • Utility Knife – no blades
  • Tape Measure
  • Utility knife

Build Up Your Carpentry Kit for Beginners with Gold Pines Carpenter Workshop in Singapore – Contact us  for enquiries.

Power tools are nice, but aren’t necessary.

Power tools – We all know what they are. They are loud, noisy and scary at times but they make carpentry work a breeze compared to working with only hand tools. But while modern power tools definitely help there are a few downsides.

First, they are relatively expensive. For example, a typical powered circular saw usually costs about $90. A hand saw would cost you about $4.50. So if you’re only planning to work your carpentry skills occasionally then it’s probably not worth paying twenty times more for a power tool that’s going to be collecting dust most of the time.

Moral of the story is: don’t get a power tool unless you’re planning on setting up shop or are an avid collector. In the short term, it’s likely cheaper to get a professional carpenter to do a job for you than to buy the necessary tools yourself.

Keep the noise down.

When working on carpentry it’s not cool to cause a racket that could bother your neighbours. Traditional tools can be noisy enough, but power tools are capable of generating sounds ranging from 95 to 99 decibels.

While amateur power tool operators are probably not going to be exposed to the noise long enough to cause permanent hearing damage, anyone close by isn’t going to appreciate your contribution. In our opinion power tools should stay in a carpenter workshop where they are less likely to disturb others.

Shop around for the best price.

Don’t be tempted to purchase everything from the first shop you visit. Spend some time looking around for better deals, or at least, scrutinize the catalog for a product that better suits your budget and needs.

You’d be surprised how much prices can vary shop to shop – and a little diligence can save you a lot of heartache later on. Also, be on the lookout for special sales, promotions and other discounts. Hardware shops are a good place to start your search and should carry everything you need to get started.

Keep in mind that cheaper isn’t always better. In addition to the tool breaking apart at the most inopportune time, a badly made tool can make working with it much harder than it should be or even damage your piece of work.

Observe safety precautions when working.

You may or may not be thinking of going professional, but safety is still important and should be observed at all times especially when doing heavy work. If you need expert advise, feel free to contact us for enquiry.

  1. Try to wear protective clothing, including shoes, eye protection and hearing protection (especially if you decided to go with power tools).
  2. Do not wipe sawdust with bare hands. Use a brush or cloth.
  3. Make sure the work area is well ventilated.
  4. Keep work areas clutter-free and neat.
  5. Do not lift heavy objects by using your back – initiate the lift using your body weight, keeping the load as close to your body as possible.
  6. Before lifting and moving heavy loads, make sure the path is clear of obstacles and slipping hazards.

Unless you go big, it’s easier and cheaper to get a good but cheap carpenter in Singapore to do the job for you – Contact Gold Pines Furniture for more information.

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