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That perfect look 2019- Cabinetry, Furniture and Structure Flow


source: flickr

When looking to purchase new furniture and change the overall look of the room from the ceiling down it is important to consider all the possibilities for the room’s potential.  Color schemes and accenting one color with another is crucial to really bring a room together. The same applies to your cabinetry. Tying it all together can be much simpler when custom cabinetry is added to the room.  Here at Gold Pines Furniture, we have the skills and personalized service to meet your needs for any room in your home or business.  A full display of our custom work, service commitment and quality can be found at: We are located locally in Singapore and are well versed in cabinetry here.

source: flickr

Most people want to match their furniture to pre-existing wall paint, which is the easiest solution.  Rather than constantly replacing and painting over the walls, it is much less of a hassle to replace the furniture instead.  It is important to bear in mind when furniture shopping that the furniture you pick will accent the wall and floor colors.  That the overall design and structure of the room will flow with the furniture of your choosing.

When adding custom cabinetry into a room, it is much easier to change the look of the room, and even the shape.  At Gold Pines we can fill in otherwise dull corners with beautiful cabinetry pieces that will accent the wall color and floors.  We can design and produce looks to match the shapes and intricacies of your furniture so everything works together and each piece benefits from the other to create a stunning room.

Whether you are looking to update an entire room from floor to ceiling, or change the entire color scheme, look and feel, custom cabinetry can save you a great deal of time and stress. We can help you create the perfect look you’ve been desiring with minimal effort on your part.  We can match any color and design. We can create a cabinet of any size, suitable for your needs and the room itself.

Cabinets can change a look from an old Victorian style to a new and progressive industrial look, for example, without ever picking up a paintbrush.  We can add modern cabinets with turn of the century, sophisticated doors. Meanwhile, you can seek modern pieces to accent your storage structure we are creating for you, and it all comes together just as simple as that.


source: flickr

The options and possibilities to create that perfect look in any room are truly endless.  That is the beauty of custom cabinetry, experienced professionals, and craftsmanship unlike any other. The skilled carpenters at Gold Pines are the perfect artisans to create beautiful cabinets in a spectacular room that everyone will be talking about.

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