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How to Avoid Home Renovation Mistakes (Updated 2019)

Thinking of remodeling your home? Great. Before you do so, it pays to know more about what it entails and to avoid common renovating pitfalls. From setting unrealistic budgets to source for the cheapest materials, we’ve put together a guide on the biggest renovation mistakes you need to avoid.


1. Taking Inaccurate Measurements


Image by bykst via pixabay


Taking measurements can be a pain, but that doesn’t mean that you should skimp on the effort! Every inch matters. Having inaccurate dimensions will mean that you will not be able get the full effect you want in your designs, or worse, end up struggling with a overly large sofa.

Tip: If you’re not sure about how to go about taking measurements, ask for help. Your interior designer or local furniture store should be able to provide you with the right assistance.


2. Sourcing for Cheap Materials


Image by U.S. Army via Wikimedia Commons


Skimping on materials is another big no-no. One of the biggest mistakes homeowners make in trying to save on renovation costs is sourcing for cheap materials. Quality furnishings often come at a price, and for good reason too: you get what you pay for.

Tip: Before embarking on a remodelling project, it pays to set aside a designated amount for it. Don’t scrimp and save – if you are going to do it, do it right. If you can’t afford to do it, wait, and save up!


3. Being Unprepared

Image by Tomwsulcer via Wikimedia Commons


Going into a major renovation project without doing proper planning beforehand is another mistake over-enthusiastic homeowners make. The result? You’ll soon find yourself frustrated by the renovation process and struggling to deal with the mess.

Tip: Planning is key. Talk to professionals and thoroughly research what the renovation project entails before committing to it. Find out what needs to be moved out, taken down or removed to better prepare for the mess.


4. Forgetting to Update the Electrical System


Image by Ianinhoose via Wikimedia Commons


Homeowners can sometimes get too carried away with updating the look of their home that they overlook the more crucial stuff. Replacing old electric sockets and wiring is often forgotten because they’re hidden, and can be costly to replace. Forgetting to do so can be disastrous and dangerous for your home!

Tip: Before going on a major overhaul, walk through the house with an electrician, or a professional who can advise you on what to replace and how. Ensure that your electrical system is properly outfitted for a safe home environment.


5. Setting an Unrealistic Budget


Image by Ken Teegardin via Flickr


People often underestimate the costs of renovating a home, partly due to its ‘hidden’ costs: individuals don’t realize that the biggest costs in renovation are usually the labor.

Tip: Don’t get caught unaware. Set aside a realistic budget for your home renovation project and make sure to do your research regarding the costs. Be sure to also set aside a ‘back-up’ fund in the event of any unexpected costs.

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