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Wood Furniture: Everything You Need To Know

Goldpines | Deciding custom made wood furniture

Goldpines | Custom Carpentry Singapore Affordable & Cheap deciding custom made wood furniture

Wood Furniture: Everything You Need to Know

Timeless, classic, and inspired by nature. Custom wood furniture has come a long way since mankind first acquired the knowledge of carpentry. As if cut from Yggdrasil, the tree of life itself, each of our modern wooden furniture has a tale of its own.

So why is custom wood furniture deserving of the multitudes of positive adjectives we attach to it? It’s simple, wood has flexibility unlike any other material in the market. Wood is also easily customizable and can last literal generations if you take good care of it. Oh, and speaking of caring for it, wood is also really easy to clean and maintain.


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Why do you think wooden furniture has managed to withstand and overcome the countless furniture trends and fads over the years? Simply put, wood is a material that is always immensely popular, and will likely to remain chic for a long time.


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Want more proof? If you look around your home, you’ll notice that there are wooden elements in almost every part of your home. In particular, wooden furniture and cabinetry is an all-time favourite among homeowners.

In this article, our sole goal is to enlighten you to the wonders and miracles of wood. Don’t worry, we’re not a cult devoted to wood. We’re just overly enthusiastic when it comes to wood and custom wooden furniture!


1. Why Custom Furniture is Better Than Pre-Made Furniture

2. Advantages of Custom Made Furniture

3. Care and Maintenance

4. Factors Affecting the Price of Custom Made Furniture

5. Tips and Tricks on Choosing Your Furniture


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Why Custom Made Furniture is Better than Pre-Made Furniture?

First things first, you need to know that there are two kinds of wood furniture in the market today. Custom-made wood furniture, as its name implies, is a range of furniture pieces made-to-order that will fit perfectly in your home. On the other hand, pre-made furniture is your run-of-the-mill, generic brand of furniture made for the masses.

Have a guess which one we’d rather put in our homes? If your answer is custom-made furniture then congrats! We’re on the same page when it comes to our fondness of the unique style of the custom-made clique.


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Though, naysayers may comment that custom-made things are a luxury. We respectfully disagree. We’d like to think that it’s very much a necessity.

Of course, we’re not knocking on pre-made furniture and the benefits it brings to the table. Both custom-made furniture and pre-made furniture have their own pros and cons. In the end, choosing either one will depend on your personal preference.

That being said, we’d like to think that custom wood furniture is better than factory produced, ready-made furniture. Here’s why:




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When you think of the term custom-made, something unique and distinctive comes to mind. The same can be said for custom wood furniture.

While it’s true that pre-made furniture may come with a certain degree of design freedom, anything custom-made will always come out ahead. With custom wood furniture, you get to pick whatever combination of colours, styles, and materials to suit your needs.


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Thinking of a rustic, shabby-chic style home? Custom-made wooden furnishing will look great here.


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Or perhaps you’d prefer a contemporary and modern approach? Wood is a timeless and flexible material that can be used to build your dream furniture!


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Maybe you’re kinda old-fashioned or prefer the worn out look? Anything is possible with the miracles of wood!


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You’ll be able to achieve all of this easily by working with a designer to create your dream custom piece. Designers definitely help a lot when it comes to finding a balance between the aesthetics and reflecting your personality through your furniture. We’re of course referring to the personal touch you get with custom wood furniture.


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And don’t worry if your home already has some furnishing in it. Custom wood furniture can blend seamlessly with your existing decor. You don’t have to go through the headache of trying to match your new furniture with your theme with custom-designs.


The Perfect Fit


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In the same vein, custom-made furniture will afford you the freedom to fully utilize your space. It doesn’t matter how big or small your space is, your custom piece will fit perfectly. After all, that’s what custom-made means.

Furthermore, you won’t have to go through the hassle of looking for a cabinet that will fit in your unused space. Let’s be honest, going cabinet hunting isn’t likely to be on top of our daily to-do lists. So why not consider a custom-made wood cabinet? You’ll save a ton of time and effort that you could’ve used elsewhere.

Speaking of which, most mass-produced wooden furniture only come in a particular shape. And this generic shape may not necessarily match the shape you need for your home.


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In this case, custom wood furniture is the way to go. The biggest advantage of having custom wood furniture specially made is that you can easily conform to the required size or shape. Thus, you’ll be maximizing the full potential of your unused space.


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Now let’s hark back to the past for a little while. You are planning to go furniture shopping for your new home. An easy task, right? Well, not really.

First, you’ll need measurements of your home. You’ll need to keep a record of your home’s dimensions and which space to place a piece of particular furniture. Then you’ll head over to the store to browse, and if you find a piece you like, you get its measurements.


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Oh, it doesn’t fit into your home? Well, tough luck. After going through all that trouble to find a piece of furniture that you like, you go home empty-handed.

Gone are the days of disappointing furniture hunting. And gone are the days where you have to bring your tape measure with you everywhere. With custom wood furniture, you can have the makers take the required measurements and let them take care of the rest.




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When it comes to quality, you can be assured that custom wood furniture is the better choice. There’s a reason why pre-made wood furniture are priced the way they are. Mass produced furniture is normally made of low-quality materials such as pressboard or plywood. And this is the reason they’re of much lower durability compared to custom wood furniture.


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With custom wood furniture, you’ll be able to pick the materials used in your piece. Softwood or hardwood. High-quality wood or mid-range material. The choice is entirely up to you.


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Fancy being fancy for fancy’s sake? Oak and mahogany will ensure that your custom wood furniture will have that durable and premium look.


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Oak and mahogany sound too pricey for you? No worries, fir and teak are some of the less expensive options you have.


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Whatever your choice is, you get the final say on the wood and fabrics used. This will ensure that you get the highest-quality custom wood furniture that YOU can afford.


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Otherwise, the only reason you’d need pre-made furniture is if it’s temporary. Perhaps you may move around a lot, so having lightweight furniture is a logical choice. Or mayhaps you have little devils running around in your home, so having cheap, replaceable furniture may be better in the long run.

Whether you opt for custom wood furniture or pre-made wood furniture, it all depends on your circumstances. But even then, we’re still sticking to our guns. Custom wood furniture is definitely the economical choice for its quality and durability.




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There are no two ways about it, custom wood furniture is more costly than pre-made wood furniture. Pre-made furniture is generally made en masse, which would explain its status as an inexpensive furnishing option. Also, the pre-made variety will generally have more readily available parts and will be cheaper to replace.

While this is often the case, custom wood furniture is actually more economical in the long run. Taking into account the materials used, you’ll find that the higher durability of custom wood furniture makes them much more valuable. On the caveat that you take good care of them, that is.


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Another reason for custom wood furniture being more valuable is depreciation. Pre-made furniture will only depreciate with time, while a durable piece of custom wood furniture may increase in value. Think antique furniture here.

You’ll learn more about the ins-and-outs of custom wood furniture prices in the following sections. So carry on reading!


Advantages of Custom Made Furniture

Superior Aesthetics


A home decked in custom furniture is beyond a doubt aesthetically pleasing. Custom furniture looks exquisite in any home. You can get any piece made to fit seamlessly into any of your decor desires. They’re custom made to blend well with other pieces in a space. This seamless look is one you rarely get with prefabricated furniture. It’s perfect for any homeowner who has a distinguished taste.


Besides that, the look of custom wood furniture reflects exclusivity and elegance. It also gives the impression of diligence in a homeowner to go the extra mile for an aesthetic home. Wood furniture has the ability to give any home a regal, elegant look. It’s no wonder it was the main decor choice for kings and lords in medieval times.


It is no falsehood, custom wood furniture never goes out of style. It’s still very popular to this day. This is a testament to its timelessness. It isn’t only timeless in style, it’s also timeless in strength.


Wood triumphs over alternatives like metals in regality. If not done right, decor with metals look cheap and fake. Besides, wood is the only material that has the ability to make a room feel inviting and warm upon entry.


Quality and Longevity Guaranteed


Custom wood furniture pieces are handmade by skilled carpenters. There is greater attention to detail and build in custom furniture. These skilled carpenters guarantee quality work. When they make pieces they fully utilize their extensive woodworking know how.


This is because custom furniture craftsmanship is very competitive anywhere. Carpenters take great pride in their work. Every carpenter strives to produce the best work. And that’s exactly what you’ll get. With such great craftsmanship, high quality is guaranteed. This quality will likely not deteriorate with time.


With the level of attention, you get a better quality finish too. You won’t feel bumps or imperfections as the pieces get sanded and finished with such care. This level of care eliminates any roughness.


This great finish protects the look as the pieces become well protected from moisture or mar. Great protection ensures a long lifespan for these pieces. Hence, custom wood furniture pieces retain quality and value. Purchase of custom wood furniture almost always guarantees a lifetime warranty. Enjoy the quality and longevity that all homeowners long for.


Optimized Space Usage and Declutter


Custom wood furniture pieces give you more optimal utilization of space. Get the best use of your space. This is especially useful in large cities, where square footage is scarce.


Dimensions for prefabricated furniture are fixed. So you’d have to decorate and model around prefabricated pieces. Custom wood furniture allows you to get pieces made to use all your available space.


Custom pieces will fit in any unusual layout or floor plan. It’ll even fit well with any ceiling height. With custom carpentry, you don’t need filler pieces to fit the gaps that stock pieces leave. Utilize every inch with ‘custom-made to fit with your room dimensions’ pieces.


You can also maximize storage space and have cabinets, drawers, and shelves made for your personal needs. Your carpenter does this willingly.


Ask for extra deep drawers for tall pots. Lower shelves to match your petite height in your kitchen. Or, taller bookshelves for added storage and reach your higher ceilings.


With the added storage, eliminate clutter and ease organization. Also, rejoice as custom storage solutions don’t cost too much more than stock storage pieces. So, solve all your storage wars without breaking too much bank.



Be the boss; You call ALL the shots


Don’t you fantasize about a reality where you call the shots? With custom-made furniture, you do exactly that. The woodwork world is your oyster. Custom made wood furniture can be adapted on request before it is put on the order sheet.


You’ll be able to tailor the piece to any desired shape, dimension or look you have in mind. As long as you provide a good explanation of specifications and concept to the carpenter.


Then, they’ll draw a design that’ll surely exceed your expectations and have it made. Any of your wishes and needs can get interpreted into a piece of furniture. You get more personal creative flexibility for your space this way.


Get 100% involvement in your furniture design process. Any design decision from wood, to finish, to size and function is in your hands. You call ALL the shots. As long as you can think it up, you can have it.



Total Product Ubiquity and Exclusivity


Custom wood furniture will provide you with the freedom to express your unique style. If you have a unique decor taste or style, you might find it hard to buy furniture. Custom wood furniture eliminates this problem. All your furniture can be made to fit your desired style.


Custom furniture gives you the full ability to be unique. It also provides you with a choice variety. “Variety is the spice of life”. There is a multitude of woods to choose from for your custom furniture. There is equally as many finishes and vinyl options.


Mix and match to have a vast variety of combos sure to suit any homeowner. The resulting product is outstanding and exclusively yours.


Even the pickiest owners would have satisfaction. No longer have trouble expressing yourself. With custom wood furniture, you can have any piece you can dream or think up. The variations are infinite.


No longer have to browse for hours through a catalog for the piece that screams to you. Simply ring up your carpenter, tell him your wishes and voila! Upon order, your custom wood furniture gets made to YOUR particulars. What you want, and need is yours. Only yours.



Worth Every Penny – It’s Well Worth the Investment!

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Buying custom wood furniture adds great value to your home. Any custom piece is an investment. The quality and uniqueness guarantee high value. These pieces will increase the financial and aesthetic value of your home.


Great resale value is something most homeowners long for. This is because most will want to move to a new place in a few years. You’ll have no problem marketing your home when the time comes. Custom wood furniture is well worth the investment.

Care, Maintenance, and Repair Tips

Wooden furniture is some of the most beautiful pieces you can find in a home, regardless if it is soft or hard. Custom made furniture, made by good carpenters, is very prized although most furniture is functional. Nevertheless, proper maintenance and care is important to keep wooden furniture in good condition. Your wooden furniture is still going to get dirty over time no matter how clean your house is.



a. Clean wood finishes using warm water, mild soap and a cloth.

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Any cloth will do, however special cloths such as microfiber cloths pick up dust better, rather than just spreading it around. Water is a universal solvent and will clean most messes and the mild soap is great for removing oily stains.

b. Protect wood with wax.

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This should be done right after cleaning and the wood’s surface is free from dirt and oil. Using a soft shoe brush or cloth, apply a thin layer of wax. After 5 minutes, buff gently with a soft cloth or brush. Repeat this step after 30 to 60 minutes but with more force.

c. Do not expose wooden furniture to direct heat

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Always keep wooden furniture out of direct sources of heat, such as strong direct sunlight, stoves, and open grills. High heat can destroy finishes and dry and shrivel wood, causing them to crack.


d. Use matching coloured shoe polish for touch ups.

Small chips and scratches can be safely and decently fixed by applying an appropriate amount of matching shoe polish. To improve the results you can also mark the damaged area first with a similarly matching coloured felt tip marker.


e. Remove water marks with a mild abrasive.

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Rub a small amount of non-gel toothpaste and baking soda with a soft cloth to remove stain marks left behind by water, such as wet drinking cups. You can also use a mix of cooking oil and ashes.


f. Contact a specialist if you plan to restore or refurbish wooden furniture.

Restoring old wooden furniture, such old custom made furniture in Singapore, can be tricky business. There are many things to consider – the finish used, the type of wood and its age. Therefore it’s best that you get in touch with a professional wood worker. There are good carpenters in Singapore who can help you.


g. Wood Furniture Cleaning

Vacuuming with a cleaning brush connection tenderly removes dust from furniture surfaces. No vacuum cleaner? Utilize a clean soft material or delicate paper towels to get dust. If the finish is water safe, a wet towel or material will get dust.

Cushions, mats, and napkins on furniture, glasses, containers and so on shielding them from spills and re-colours, and from warmed items. Try not to utilize plastic or elastic on regular wood surfaces as they may relax and harm wrap up.



The oil complete can have numerous names, from nations, i.e. French, Danish, Dutch for brands.

Essentially cleaning oiled wood requires you mix: 1 half quart bubbled linseed oil, 1 half quart gum turpentine, and 6 oz. refined white vinegar. Wear gloves. Try not to use around the fire or start; don’t get on skin. Wipe the surface with a delicate fabric.

Never pour mixture into the wood. Let it sit for a couple of minutes to relax the dirt; at that point wipe off the excess. All abundant oil must be removed or it will draw in dust and get sticky or shabby. To complete, rub with the grain.

NEVER USE wax or furniture clean on oil finishes. Re-oil yearly with boiled linseed oil, Tung oil, or an item prescribed by the maker.



To do wood furniture cleaning on a lacquered piece, Remember the material of this kind is hard and shiny but at the same time is fragile so it might be imprinted or chipped. So don’t put too much pressure.

Avoid water except if furniture mark prescribes it. Recent finish polishes are tougher, anyway more seasoned lacquered pieces and numerous imports have finished influenced by a few solvents, so test each item first on an unnoticeable zone.

Routinely you will need to tidy with a delicate, dry material. Never utilize oiled or treated materials on lacquered finished. Apply liquid wax once in a while to keep up a gloss.



Regular known as Polyurethanes or K1 poly. Polyurethane finishes are significantly more resistant to dampness and spills and direct warmth than conventional varnishes and needn’t bother with much insurance.

Clean frequently with a soft dry fabric and wipe dry. At the point when required wipe with a clammy material, not wet.


More Furniture Cleaning Tips

a. Know Your Finish

How you keep up your furniture relies upon the sort of finish that has been connected.

A lacquered household item looks great the day it leaves the workshop, while an oil complete will age unmistakably longer, Lacquer is splashed on and frames a defensive covering over the timber. It’s a zero maintenance finish. Common oil finishes, then again, require more care.


An oil complete is penetrative, dousing into the timber and giving security from dampness and re-colouring, Unlike lacquer, you can re-apply oil time to time to bring the finish back.


As timber is a characteristic item, it’s critical to sustain it.


Contingent upon how intensely the piece is utilized, you’ll, for the most part, need to apply a thin layer of oil with a delicate cotton material on more than one occasion for each year.


b. Ensure Against Spills

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It’s best to tidy up the spill as fast as you can with a damp material, anyway any harm is to a great subject to the furniture’s finish.


“Oil finishes are consumed into the timber so won’t be as strong to warmth and spills,” says Jasmine Tan Yh from Stone Amperor.


c. Go Easy on Air conditioning

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Unnecessary aerating and cooling can affect your timber furniture.


Aerating and cooling is drying and will draw the additional dampness from the timber making it recoil and conceivably distort


It’s critical never to put your timber furniture straightforwardly underneath or before an aerating and cooling vent, and away from radiators, which may have a comparable impact.


d. Close Your Curtains

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Daylight can stain timber and separate a scope of finishes after some time.


“I have customers who have put UV tinting onto their windows to obstruct a considerable measure of the UV light getting in and destroying their custom-made furniture,” says Jasmine Tan Yh.


Other Tips That Are Good To Know


When requesting a custom piece and you’re stressed over the last shading or tone, dependably attempt and see an example with oil on it. Try not to settle on a choice in light of a characteristic, un-oiled bit of timber. Request to see your furniture in improvement, before it’s done, and not very late to alter your opinion. Once the furniture piece is assembled and oil is connected, there’s no returning


Moving on to home furniture repair, you need not send every piece to be repaired. Sending every piece to the repair shop for repairs may blow your finances sky-high, and may not be worth it at times. Some pieces you can repair at home, if it is within reasonable means. Here are some tips to repair some of your home furniture.


Tips for home repair

a. Loose Chair Rungs.

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Chairs go through a lot of manhandling on a daily basis. It is pulled in and out from under tables during dinner time. It is shifted around the home to accommodate guests. The joints of rungs can take a beating from too much stress. Eventually your chairs wear out and come loose.


New but shoddily made furniture are more likely to develop loose joints and rungs compared to older but well-built furniture.


Loose joints can be fixed by gluing the loose parts back together. First, sand off the old glue all the way to the wood’s surface. Next, use a syringe to apply wood glue into the joint of the leg. Replace the rung into the joint and clamp the parts together until the glue dries.


b. Shaky Chairs.

Like loose rungs, shaky chairs are the result of wear and loss of the glue holding the legs steady. Fixing this problem is a little more complex than cleaning and gluing pieces of wood, however.


The trick is to attach corner braces to the angle between the leg and the surface it’s attached to. You can purchase braces from hardware stores or even carpenter workshop in Singapore, which aren’t expensive. It’s important that the brace is attached firmly so no gaps are present. This will prevent the wood from splitting.


c. Breaking Apart at the Seams.

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When furniture starts to come apart at the seams, you’ll need to install flat corner braces to hold the pieces of wood together. Select a spot on the wood that’s thickest as this will let the screws go in tighter and more secure. Installation should be done behind the piece of furniture to keep it out of sight.


When installing, place the clamps over the joint where the seams of the wood come together while using clamps to pull the two pieces together to close the seams together. Drive the screws into the bracket, making sure that everything is firm and tight.


d. Broken Drawers.

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To keep drawers light and easy to pull in and out, the sides and bottom of drawers are typically made from thin pieces of board – and a rough pull or jolt can break the dovetail corners that hold the surfaces together.

First, remove the nails from the corners. Next, separate the corners from each other gently to prevent damaging them. Sand away the old glue to the surface of the wood. Apply a layer of wood glue to the corners, put them together again, and clamp it down until the glue sets.


e. Peeling Veneer or Chipped Veneer.

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Veneer are thin layers of material, typically wood, that covers and protects or decorates an underlying surface below, held together by glue. Over time and exposure to moisture and wear, the glue often loosens, causing the veneer to peel off. The thinness of the veneer layer is also prone to chipping.


i. Peeling.


If you spot veneer peeling off underlying wood, the first thing you need to do is clean up the dust in between the two layers. Dust and other loose particles will weaken the bonding process.


Next, use a syringe to apply glue underneath the veneer and press it down against the underlying wood. Put a piece of scrap wood or thick layer of newspaper in between the clamp’s teeth before clamping it down. This protects the wooden surface.

 ii. Chipping.


Fix chips on the veneer surface by filling out the cavities with a wood filler. Use wood fillers that can be painted over. Clean the surface of the veneer first with a cloth to remove as much dust and other loose particles before applying the filler.


f. Wobbly Tables.

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There are two main culprits that cause tables to become wobbly: one of the legs of the table is shorter than the others or uneven floors. This is the reason why so many people are getting bespoke furniture in Singapore, which are usually better made.


If you’re looking for a more permanent solution than stuffing folded newspaper underneath the legs of wobbly tables, try nail glides. Inexpensive and often non-abrasive, nail glides are ideal. Originally designed to keep the legs of furniture from damaging floors, they can also be used to even out the length an offending table leg.


First, measure the gap between the floor and the short leg. Once that’s done, drill a pilot hole into the legs of the good legs – you’re going to have to attach the gliders to all of them. For the short leg, however, you’re going to have to add a little length. Do this by adding washers to the nail of the glider so that they fit the length of the gap. Finally, drive the glider into the short leg.


No home repair is completed with at least a basic set of carpentry kit. How can anyone repair home furniture without a carpenter kit? Read on to find out what are the basic carpentry kit one must have at home.


3. Carpentry Kit for Beginners: Must Haves

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Here is a list of tools you should have in your carpentry kit:



a. Power tools are nice, but aren’t necessary.


Power tools – We all know what they are. They are loud, noisy and scary at times but they make carpentry work a breeze compared to working with only hand tools. But while modern power tools definitely help there are a few downsides.


First, they are relatively expensive. For example, a typical powered circular saw usually costs about $90. A hand saw would cost you about $4.50. So if you’re only planning to work your carpentry skills occasionally then it’s probably not worth paying twenty times more for a power tool that’s going to be collecting dust most of the time.


Moral of the story is: don’t get a power tool unless you’re planning on setting up shop or are an avid collector. In the short term, it’s likely cheaper to get a professional carpenter to do a job for you than to buy the necessary tools yourself.


b. Keep the noise down.


When working on carpentry it’s not cool to cause a racket that could bother your neighbours. Traditional tools can be noisy enough, but power tools are capable of generating sounds ranging from 95 to 99 decibels.


While amateur power tool operators are probably not going to be exposed to the noise long enough to cause permanent hearing damage, anyone close by isn’t going to appreciate your contribution. In our opinion power tools should stay in a carpenter workshop where they are less likely to disturb others.


c. Shop around for the best price.

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Don’t be tempted to purchase everything from the first shop you visit. Spend some time looking around for better deals, or at least, scrutinize the catalogue for a product that better suits your budget and needs.


You’d be surprised how much prices can vary shop to shop – and a little diligence can save you a lot of heartache later on. Also, be on the lookout for special sales, promotions and other discounts. Hardware shops are a good place to start your search and should carry everything you need to get started.


Keep in mind that cheaper isn’t always better. In addition to the tool breaking apart at the most inopportune time, a badly made tool can make working with it much harder than it should be or even damage your piece of work.


When you decide to repair your own home, just make sure to prioritize safety precautions first. Here are some safety precaution tips to take note of:



Factors Affecting the Price of Custom Made Furniture

With the increasing market demand of recent years, there should not be a problem for you to find your desired custom made furniture in Singapore.

Although custom made furniture can add style to your home its increased priced is a concern to many. What are the main factors that affect the price of custom made furniture?


Material used

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You should be clear that type of material used will surely influence the price of custom made furniture. Different types of woods, or timbers, will have a different price.


You cannot expect to get a high quality rosewood for the price of particle board material.

There are times when the material price is affected by its availability. If the raw material of your custom made furniture is imported from other country it could also incur an additional shipping fee, which will be added to total price.


Designing custom made furniture in Singapore.

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The more complex the design, the more price will be charged for the furniture. If you want a table with many drawers, or an unusual design chair that is different from standard four-legged chair, then the cost to create furniture will increase over a standard table or chair.


A craftsman would need to spend a great deal of time in a carpenters workshop to make sure that the finished product is perfect and meets customer’s requirements. While price of the furniture may exceed your initial budget, you might change your mind if the product exceeds your expectations.


Finish of furniture piece

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Since finishes of furniture in showroom are limited to certain types, you may not get what you want.


However for custom made furniture, you can choose any finish you like for your piece.

Types of finish include staining, oiling, painting, upholstery and more. Each different finish will have different cost.


It takes time as well as cost to complete a high quality piece with your desired finish.


Cost of labours

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You are not getting something “free” without calculating the time and effort put in by the craftsman.


Yes, all of us hope to purchase furniture that meet our requirements at the lowest possible price, but the true value of custom made furniture will be more than the price you paid for.


A craftsman goes through every step with great care and focus. Quality and customer satisfaction is top priority, and the uniqueness of a custom made furniture is not something a mass-produced piece can compare to.


Affordable Options for Custom-made Furniture

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The idea of having custom-made furniture for your home seems unattainable by most people’s standards. At one point, the only way you could get furniture custom-made was through commissioning designers and craftsmen. The underlying idea was that these specially built furniture would cost at least an arm and a leg. We’re not here to dispute that fact. We feel that handcrafted furniture are value for money and a wise investment in itself.


What most don’t understand is that there are ways to reduce the cost of your custom-made furniture. In other words, there ARE affordable options for your customised furniture.



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First and foremost, the materials used in your custom-made furniture plays a vital role in the overall price. For instance, different types of wood are priced differently. But depending on your home and environment, you could get away with choosing a cheaper alternative.

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Manufactured wood such as chipboardfibreboard, and plywood can be used to make a great piece of furniture. And best of all, these are the cheapest types of wood you can find. Just don’t expect top-tier quality when you use these kinds of wood in your furniture.


Aesthetics wise, manufactured wood generally looks the same as solid wood. Though some connoisseurs may find that it lacks that “natural” look.

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If you’re someone who appreciates the aesthetics of thingssolid wood may be the better choice for you. Solid wood is generally divided into hardwood and softwood. And these varying types of wood are priced differently.


For example, pine wood may be on the lower end of the price spectrum, whereas mahogany is often regarded as the premium wood. Choosing the right kind of wood based on your budget and preference is key in helping you get the best deal.

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Additionally, there may be times where the cost of materials are affected by its availability. If your material is imported, additional shipping fees will be incurred. This shipping fee will be added to the total price of your custom-made furniture. Subsequently, your furniture will be more expensive.


In this case, we’d recommend speaking to your designer on what material is  available on-hand. That way you skip the hassle of having to ship it over.


Difficulty of Design

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One of the main reasons people opt for custom-made products is for exclusivity. That one-of-a-kind furniture that only you own. Though this uniqueness does come at a cost.

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The more complex the design you have in mind, the higher the price of your furniture. Let’s say you want a cabinet with multiple drawers, or a wacky-looking coffee table. The cost of designing and crafting such a furniture will definitely be higher than that of a standard cabinet or coffee table.

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That being said, if you’d like an affordable custom-made furniture, we suggest going for a simpler design. If you want a new custom table, tell the designer to sketch a simple table. It doesn’t have to be overly simple, just make sure that it’s not overly complicated as well. Basically, think minimalism.


On that note, also try to keep your custom-made designs reasonably sized. Reason being, extra large furniture will require more material to make, which is going to cost you in the end. Besides, having smaller furniture will go a long way in giving the illusion that your home is bigger than it is.

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Alternatively, you may even choose to use an existing design for your custom-made furniture. This way, your designer won’t have to start from scratch and you may request for a different size or configuration depending on your preference. This is generally a more affordable option for you if you don’t have the extra budget to draw up a brand new design.


Labour Cost

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We feel that carpentry is an acquired art form. And like any art form, it requires an enormous amount of time, dedication and effort to master. It literally takes years to hone one’s skill up to this point. Which is why custom-made furniture are priced the way they are.


Undoubtedly, every one of us hopes to be able to buy our dream furniture at the lowest possible price. But the true value of custom furniture lies within the care and focus put into creating it. With that said, there are definitely ways to alleviate this “creative” cost.


For one, keep your ideas as simple as possible. We’ve already talked about this before but simpler designs are easier to come up with, and they’re also easier to craft.

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Case in point, let’s say you’re somewhat of a flashy person. You’d want the flashiest and most “extra” product in existence.


Your designer would need to come up with a design that’s to your liking, which takes time. Then, the craftsman/carpenter will spend hours to ensure everything is perfect. Not to mention, he/she would also need to meet your requirements at the same time. Last but not least, every part of the furniture also needs to be working as intended. These time factors combined with the skill needed will drive up the end cost of your custom-made furniture. Hey, time is money after all.


The Finish

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The last thing you need to know about custom-made furniture is the finish. If you’ve been to any furnishing showroom, you’d notice that the furniture is limited to a certain type of finish. This finish may not be what you have in mind for your home. What we’re saying is, it’s difficult to find furniture with a design and finish that you like.


However, custom-made furniture allows you to choose any finish you like for your piece. Of course, the type of finishing has a bearing on the final cost of your furniture. In addition, time and effort are also required to complete a high quality piece that you’ll be satisfied with.

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The types of finish include staining, oiling, painting, upholstery, dye and more. Of the lot, we’d suggest using drying oils such as linseed oil and tung oil as they are the most inexpensive and readily available.


Affordable Custom-made Furniture: How to Buy It?


Affordable custom-made furniture. It sounds like such a rarity when you think of it. However, advancements in manufacturing and technology have made affordable custom-made furniture more attainable.

A surge of new companies has come up to serve you the luxury of custom-made furniture for less. They make it easier to order, cheaper to buy and faster to receive.

So, don’t let your finances hamper your desires. Lavish your house with custom-made furniture. Here’s an article on how to buy affordable custom-made furniture.



Shop at the right time / shop on sale

Anything in retail has a price that fluctuates throughout the year. Any wise shopper would tell you this. So, there’s a right time to opt for buying affordable custom-made furniture. The right time to buy is mid-year/July or in the new year/January. 

The mid-year/July is when people buy the least furniture so shops lower prices in hope to garner more sales. And, the January is when most shops have clearance to clear out inventory. Avoid buying around the festive or peak season. Most custom furniture companies jack up prices around this time. This is because they know homeowners spend more.

Everybody is looking to redecorate their homes before the holidays. They’re expecting more guests so they want to make their homes more presentable. Because of the order surge, custom-made furniture companies have to work harder to meet demand. Harder and more work means more manpower to pay and thus factors into the cost.

Employees don’t work around holidays. This is another reason furniture costs more these times. Most employees go on leave. So, companies that need manpower need to pay employees more to stay for work. This extra pay gets factored into the cost.

For exact sales dates and schedules, look online. Also, contact local custom-made furniture stores. Then, hold off on buying until the sales come. An extra tip is to buy custom-made furniture at going out of business sales.


Purchase from affordable custom-made furniture specialty stores

For more affordable custom-made furniture, buy from specialty places. These are places that specialize in making custom furniture. Buying from these companies and stores is cheaper. Outsourcers or general furniture stores tend to mark up prices.

At specialty stores, they price your custom-made furniture more fairly. They charge based on quality, materials, and craftsmanship involved. General retailers and outsourcers usually charge solely by the look. And, they tend to charge more than what a piece should cost.

Advancements in manufacturing technology and delivery are on your side. These advancements enable these companies to get you your product in record time. Nowadays, there are many online affordable custom-made furniture stores. Among these are CampaignBurrow, and The Inside.

You need not even look too far. Local companies are also up and coming with affordable custom-made furniture. Depending on your items certain items are cheaper if bought onlineCertain are cheaper if bought from a local custom furniture company.


Be simple in your design order

If you’re ordering new custom-made furniture, there are ways to cut cost. One way is by being simple. Less is more.

When placing your order and specifying a design, don’t go all out. Bespoke furniture designs will cost more. This is because bespoke furniture requires more craftsmanship and skill. It also requires more expensive materials.

For example, don’t request for adjustable shelves in your bookshelf. Or, don’t request special compartments in your custom-made cabinets.  Also, downsize your order. A smaller piece will cost less.

If you do want a large piece though, go for a more neutral design. Then add additional accessories like artwork or sculptures to spice up the look. Throw pillows, lamps, and paintings will pepper your room with the spice it lacks.


Change up your custom-made furniture order/cheaper material alternatives

You have a design in mind and your custom-made furniture company gives you a quote that makes your jaw drop. Don’t rule out that custom piece just yet. There are a few swaps you can make to cut the price.

One of the easiest swaps to make is in your wood choice. Swap out expensive hardwoods for cheaper sustainable wood. For example, swap oak and ash wood for fir or pine wood. You won’t compromise the look too much.

Ask your custom-made furniture company of choice. Speak to your carpenter for input. They’ll most likely be more than happy to advise you. They have professional input in the matter.


Haggle, negotiate

Here’s where your arguing skills will come in handy. Haggle at any opportunity you have. Negotiate with the sales staff and have the price lowered. Some will lower prices for customers who negotiate.

Argue about price matching. Mention another company who makes custom-made furniture and say they would make the same item for less. Odds are they’d match the price. Say that the price difference is making you hesitant to buy the piece. And, mention that you’d go through the trouble of going all the way to the other place to get it for less.

Some places may even drop the price a few hundred dollars. However, sometimes it may not work. Always try to. Then you can’t say it was for lack of trying. Haggling and negotiating could save you a lot of cash here and there. When you add up all the little savings you make, you may realize you saved much more than you thought.



Buy used

If all else fails, you can opt to buy used furniture. This may not be ideal but will nab you affordable custom furniture.


“One man’s trash is another man’s gold”. Its always cheaper to buy used items in retail. You can easily get used furniture for a fraction of the price or even free at times.

Try asking your custom furniture store of choice. Do they have any custom-made pieces that a customer wanted to be disposed of? Then ask if they’d sell it to you at a discount. It’s a win-win situation. They get paid to be rid of wasted space. You get custom furniture for a bargain. The store will most probably agree to sell it to you cheaper.

While rare, there are some specialty used custom-made furniture stores. Most of their pieces are bargains and in good shape. This is because they clean and repair any furniture they get.

Other than that, check online listings. Look for homeowners selling old custom made furniture. Be careful buying online though because you could get fooled by pictures. Most sellers are looking to get rid of the old to make room for the new ASAP. So, they most probably are selling it for a bargain.

Besides that, estate sales are a good place to buy custom-made furniture pieces. However, quality and condition aren’t guaranteed.

Does affordable custom-made furniture still sound like a fantasy to you? Not anymore. Hop on the custom-made furniture bandwagonUse these tips to grab beautiful affordable custom-made furniture.


Tips & Tricks


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Say you’re now convinced and is interested in designing and creating a custom wood furniture. Do you approach a designer and/or a carpenter? What trait should your carpenter have? How do you know if a carpenter is good?

These are the questions one might have if they were a newbie getting their feet wet in the realm of custom wood furniture. But fret not, for we have some tips and tricks for you on how to choose the best carpenter for your needs.

Besides, what kind of “everything you need to know” article would this be without the all-important tips & tricks section, eh?


Get References From Friends and Families


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Sometimes, word of mouth is all you need. One way of getting in touch with a carpenter is through your immediate contacts. You never know, your cousin’s friend’s distant relative may be an excellent carpenter.


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Once you’ve got in touch, schedule a meetup at his/her place and take note of their workspace. How people present themselves serves as a sign of quality for their work. If their workplace is clean and tidy, they’re likely to be neat and organized which would bode well for your project.

Additionally, always request samples of previous projects. This is mainly so that you know they can handle your specific project. Some things to note on the carpenter’s past work:


Bring Your Own Tools & Materials


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This is a fairly logical one. If your carpenter requests that you supply the tools, we’d suggest you get back to looking for a new carpenter. Like any other creative profession, most great carpenters have their own preferred tools. So someone without the necessary carpentry tools is indeed a red flag.

However, you may supply your own materials if you so wish. But we’d recommend that you seek your carpenter’s expertise on the matter. There are a number of factors to consider when it comes to the wood used in woodworking.


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One main factor to consider is the type of wood used. For instance, a good telltale sign of excellent carpentry work is the use of good quality solid hardwood. Hardwoods are of superior quality and they have an elegant look when crafted properly.


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Alternatively, softwoods are prone to denting, scratching, ringing and bending. Veneers, for example, are inferior wood coated in a more expensive layer, whereas plywood is layers of wood glued together. Both veneers and plywood are prone to splitting. We definitely wouldn’t suggest using these materials for your custom wood furniture.


The Cost


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When we talk about cost, we aren’t just referring to the materials. Rather, we’re focusing on the entire project. It’s imperative that you get the best deal before you settle on a carpenter. You can do this by comparing each carpenter’s work, time to complete, and overall sales quotation.

Things you should look out for that factor in the overall costs:

One thing to note is that there is no right way to decide which carpenter offers the best deal. There will be times where it’s cheaper to use the services of an expensive carpenter to ensure quality work. Sometimes, cheaper carpenters may require work redone down the line. Think long term!


Time Frame


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Another valid point is the time taken to complete your project. Some carpenters may work faster than others, while some may take their sweet time to ensure everything is in order.


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You have to keep in mind that carpentry work and renovations are often disruptive. You will be greatly inconvenienced by the work going on in your home while the project is ongoing.

An awesome carpenter is someone who is punctual and who will reliably deliver on their deadlines. You wouldn’t want to wait on your tardy carpenter all the time, would you? Especially if you’re undergoing a major overhaul that involves multiple trades-people coming in after them.  

We’d suggest planning a schedule after getting their estimates and drawing up a written contract for them. Your contract should list all the work to be carried out. Include also the full breakdown of the costs involved.


Bottom Line is…Wood is Amazing

We believe this ultimate guide to wood furniture has made you ready to purchase that custom made furniture. If you’re into fine detail and high quality, then this is the answer. Having a custom made piece in your casa would amp up its look.

We believe that a custom made furniture would be more YOU. A touch of your own personal preference. Personally, we’d definitely suggest having some custom-made furniture in your home.


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