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Wooden Furniture Pieces Every Singaporean Houses Need

Goldpines | Wooden furniture pieces

Goldpines | Custom Carpentry Singapore Affordable & Cheap wooden furniture pieces

Classic Pieces That Makes Your Guests Go WOW


Wooden furniture pieces may come across as old-school, sometimes outdated even. Although wooden furniture may come across as outdated, don’t forget it gives your home a more chic and classic feel. It all depends on how it is designed. Also, it depends on how or where you place and position your wooden furniture.


You can choose wooden pieces to personify your home, reflect your disposition and whatnot. Before you settle for that wooden furniture, you probably are a follower of Fengshui. If you are, these are what you need to take note of before buying that wooden furniture as it may clash with your beliefs.


Let’s assume the budget is not an issue for you. These are the wooden furniture pieces every Singaporean homes need – right now!

  1. Wooden bed frame

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Choose a wooden bed frame for your bedroom. Though a metal bedframe may be practical in the long term, a wooden bed frame gives your room a softer look.

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Opt for a wooden bed that can last you at least a decade. The wooden bed frame may not last as long as a metal bed, but don’t forget the most expensive bed does not mean it’s the best.

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Even though you may not use it long term, don’t forget the wooden bed can go to the guest room eventually. When shopping for a wooden bed, think about the proper size, firmness and surface that suits your taste (and your partner’s, if you have one).


  1. Dining Table

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A wooden dining table may not be a Singaporean’s first choice of table, because it is impractical given how we are living in a tropical country. The clichéd Singaporean home will most likely have a plastic or fabric tablecloth covering it to prevent stains from getting through. With modern technology, it is less likely stains incurred from spillages will happen.

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Choose a round shaped wooden table, as there is convenient flexibility on how many people you can sit around it. Negotiating for seating capacity around a round table is much easier.


Get a rectangular table. A rectangular table ebbs grandiosity if you are willing to incorporate marble into it. Stone Amperor retails marvellous marbles. With the right incorporation into your kitchen table, will amp up the elegant feel in your kitchen.


  1. Wooden-made Dining Chairs

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No wooden-made dining tables are completed without its wooden-made dining chairs. Complete your wooden-made dining tables with matching wooden-made dining chairs. After all, it’s your wooden dining table and chairs’ way of saying #squadgoals in the kitchen.


Most furniture stores sell complete dining table sets. If what the furniture stores sold are not what you are looking for, or not to your taste, why not choose to customise your own set?


Customising your own dining table chairs means you have more say in how you want your dining table and chairs to look like. Customising your own furniture may be expensive on the surface, but remember you are getting the designs you wanted. It can be your pride and joy, and it helps you stand out from your peers. It also means during dinners you can show off your exclusive piece.


Get a customised dining table and dining chairs if you have the money to spend. Grace your kitchen with its eye-catching designs.


  1. Wooden Sofas

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Get your living room a wooden sofa set. Or you can get a wooden sofa centrepiece to grace your living room.

Having a wooden sofa in your living room immediately turns the space into a vintage area in your home. Compare it to sofas made of metal, of course, a wooden sofa does not feel so hard when you sit on it.


On the other hand, it may make your body ache all over after long periods of sitting on it. It makes sitting on the sofa really uncomfortable. To remedy this issue, you can throw cushions over it. Upholster it, if you need to.

Image via Broocklieen and 1st Dips

If you feel throwing cushions over it makes it look less pleasing, opt for sofas made of bamboo. Bamboo sofas have less impact on making you feel less uncomfortable when you sit on it for too long.


  1. Wooden Living Room Tables (or Tea/Coffee Tables)

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If your sofa set does not come complete with a living room table, have you considered having one? Especially one made of wood?

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Like its other wooden furniture counterpart, it has a classic and vintage feel to it despite wooden furniture being old-fashioned. With the right design and wood choice, your living room table doesn’t have to look like you got it from your grandmother.


If your living room has a more traditional look, choose a living room table made of mahogany or walnut. Consider its durability and safety if you have children.


Consider the size of your living room too, when choosing your wooden living room table. Rectangular or oval-shaped tables work well for smaller rooms. Square or round tables are good for large seating arrangements. Round or oval tables are useful when you have children in the house, because of the absence of sharp corners.


Take into consideration the scale and actual measurement of your coffee table too. Choose a living room table that is no bigger than 2/3 of your sofa’s total length. When doing this, remember to leave at least a foot and a half worth of space between the table and the sofa.


Your living room table should be the same height as the height of your sofa. It works if it is lower than your sofa too.


Consider the functionality of your living room table also. Do you want additional shelves, drawers, and other compartments for storage? Do you want one where it can be raised for working or eating? If yes, find yourself a customised living room table to fit your needs.


  1. Wooden Side Table

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Side tables can be used as a filler or decorative pieces beside it functionality. Having wooden side tables makes your living space more antiquated, chic, and elegant even.

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Place a side table next to your bed in your bedroom. Put it next to your sofa sets. Or put one in the guest room. It can function as a table to place your lamp. It can be a storage area for your books, remote controls, and other smaller household items.

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Like the living room table, consider the size you need for a side table. The most common side table shapes you can find in the market are usually round and square ones. Either way, both shapes work fine.

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Get that wooden piece for your home if you have been pining after it. With modern technology, most wooden furniture can last as long as its metal furniture counterpart. All you have to do is to make sure you keep your wooden furniture clean all the time.


Do an occasional wipe-down if you have to. Keep it away from direct sunlight also. Dust it as often as you can.


As long as your wooden furniture is well-taken care of, it should be all right.


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